Working Groups

These Groups work on priority areas that pose challenges to children with a visual impairment; these are agreed by the Steering Group.  The Network has the following groups which each meet three or four times a year.  The purpose of each group is detailed below.

Data Group

  • To report and make recommendations to the steering group regarding data collection and quality indicators and oversee the information governance of data collected by the VINCYP network, referring to the steering group as required.

 Training & Education Group

  • To identify current training and identify gaps in training for professionals and parents
  • To identify and develop training materials/ provision which meet the needs identified
  • To identify current guidelines available and review these
  • To identify guidelines and pathways required and their priority for development
  • To produce guidance for professionals across agencies and parents related to children with VI, having reviewed the evidence and consulted upon these.
  • To report and make recommendations to the steering group re training requirements and provision for professionals and parents.
  • To develop training materials/ provision as agreed by steering group
  • To report and make recommendations to the steering group re guidelines required and to produce guidelines for their approval

Family Engagement Group

  • To report and make recommendations to the Steering Group regarding information provision for patients/parents and young people.
  • To bring patients/parents and young people’s views on service provision to the steering group.
  • To ensure patient/parent involvement in the work of the network.
  • To consult with patients/parents on their views.
  • To identify useful patient/parent information resources, identify what further resources are required, and enable development of these.