Information Collection

When you attend an eye clinic or see your Paediatrician, you may be asked for permission for you/your child’s information to be shared with professionals from other agencies including Education Services, Social Services and Voluntary Agencies. This is so that you/your child can be referred to services for the support you/they require and helps ensure that the people working with you/your child, such as the visual impairment teacher, have accurate information about your/their vision.

You may also be informed that you/your child will be notified to VINCYP and that their information will be entered onto the VINCYP clinical audit system (CAS) database. The information overall, not identifying any individual, can help in the planning of services across Scotland by providing an accurate number of children with visual impairment as well as supporting visual impairment research. It also means that if, in the future, a new treatment becomes available, that we can quickly identify people who may benefit from it.  We believe that collecting this information is important because it will help in both your care and that of other people.

A copy of the VINCYP CAS Data Sharing Consent Form can be seen here.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing us at